Takes too long to achieve desired effect
Possible solutions:
- Increase surface speed by:
- increasing brush diameter
- increasing brush speed
- Use stiff brush fill material by:
- decreasing trim length
- using heavier wire or fiber
- increasing density of fill
Note: Do not use greater work pressure.
Finer finish wanted, or undesirable side effects encountered such as removal of base material
Possible solutions:
- Use more dense fill in brush
- Decrease effective fill hardness by:
- using finer fill material
- using fiber or plastic rather than wire (sometimes with compound)
- use softer type of wire i.e. brass
Use less pressure on workpiece.
Getting too much wire breakage during operation
Possible solutions:
- Use finer diameter wire and increase spindle speed
- Decrease trim length
Brush wears down too rapidly
Possible solutions:
- User harder fill material
- User denser fill in brush
- Decrease workpiece pressure
Brushing effect not even or uniform
Possible solutions:
- Use jog or fixture to assure steady application on workpiece
- Increase spindle speed